The Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) has prioritized alternative ways of increasing agriculture production including taking advantage of irrigation facilities and different agricultural programs supported by irrigation schemes to modernize farming activities. The…
In the scenic northern highlands of Rwanda lies Gicumbi District, a region once thriving with lush, vibrant forests. However, over time, these forested areas became shadowed by degradation and deforestation, a result of over-exploitation and environmental strain. In response to…
The Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) has prioritized alternative ways of increasing agriculture production including taking advantage of irrigation facilities and different agricultural programs supported by irrigation schemes to modernize farming activities. From…
The Government of Rwanda has given highest priority for development of water resources to increase the agriculture productivity. National Agriculture Policy was developed for respective implementation of Government development strategies in line with the vision 2020 goals and poverty reduction…
Within 313 ha of land to be planted by horticulture (Fruits species: Mangoes, Avocados…) in Mahama Sector, Kirehe District under the project “Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP)”, EPECOTGE Ltd has prepared a well-developed horticulture trees nursery in a bid to…
On 25th may 2021, managing director of EPECOTGE ltd Mr. NZABONIMPA Oscar visited Gicumbi site where EPECOTGE ltd implemented different activities including planted agro forestry in Mulindi tea plantation, planted bamboo on river banks of river named as RUJUGA and…
On 2nd February 2019; Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) with Economic commission of RPF has organized a field visit of ETI Project activities implemented by OM-Metals and EPECOTGE Ltd. Export Targeting Modern Irrigated Agriculture Project (ETI) is a project funded to Rwanda…
On 29th January; Water for Growth (W4Gr)in partnership with Gicumbi District have organized a field visit for staff from Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands (EKN) of activities carried out in the framework of implementation of Reviewing the existing EIP in NYABUGOGO…
Since January 2018; EPECOTGE has started the implementation of different activities in the Mpanga watershed through the implementation of Export Targeting Modern Irrigated Agriculture Project (ETI) in Mpanga sector/Kirehe District. From 17th to 18th October 2018; the Managing Director of EPECOTGE…