FONERWA Project Field Visit in Gicumbi District

On 25th may 2021, managing director of EPECOTGE ltd Mr. NZABONIMPA Oscar visited Gicumbi site where EPECOTGE ltd implemented different activities including planted agro forestry in Mulindi tea plantation, planted bamboo on river banks of river named as RUJUGA and bamboo seedlings production in nursery are located and done. Here, bamboo seedlings produced in this visited nursery are composed of three dissimilar species such as bamboo seedlings of textilis, bamboo seedlings of polymorpha and bamboo seedlings of Moso while those planted on the river banks are only textilis and polymorpha.

OBJECTIVES: – Overview the progress of implemented activities – To advise and encourage technical team who worked at Gicumbi site in both practical and theory.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Weeding and earthling up should be done in suitable way most especially in nursery. Application of organic manure should be done rapidly.

CONCLUSION: In general, a field visit went well and the progresses of implemented activities are in good stand