MAHAMA: Supplying, distribution and application of lime and compost in created bench terraces farmer’s land
Rwanda relies heavily on agriculture for its income, employment opportunities and the economic well-being of its people. To be successful, there is factor of having a good quality of soil and increase its fertility by Applying the related agricultural inputs lime and compost.
The EPECOTGE Ltd company has received a work order from MEIL group dated on 12th January 2023 for supplying and application of lime and compost in terraced land located in in farmer’s terraces at Mahama sector under integrated watershed management activities within the ETI project Mahama lot-1, in Kirehe District.
In the framework of this assignment EPECOTGE Ltd has started to deliver and application of required agricultural inputs as per specified in work worder hence From 17th January 2023, The EPECOTGE Ltd has delivered and applied 310 Tons of lime and 1,550 Tons of Compost in the terraced land within the respected quantity of the rate on 2 Tones/1ha for lime and 10 tones/ha of Compost as per required in work order whereby those agricultural inputs were distributed over 3 sites locations: Cyanika (Mahama), Kazizi 2 (Nyamugari) and Gasenyi (Nyamugari) .